Monday, September 28, 2015

Dialogue & Quotation Marks

D: What is dialogue?

  • Dialogue is when characters talk.
  • Dialogue uses quotation marks to mark itself.
  • Dialogue is a sentence that has two parts: dialogue and dialogue tag.

"I want nachos," Ramon whined.

Ramon whined, "I want nachos."

P: How do I write dialogue?

  1. Use quotation marks around the dialogue.
  2. Follow these punctuation models.

"___________," said Ramon.
Ramon said, " ____________."

"__________?" asked Ramon.
Ramon asked, "__________?"

"__________!" shouted Ramon.
Ramon shouted, "_________!"

C: When/why do I use dialogue or quotes?

•I use dialogue when writing narratives.
•I use quotes when doing research.

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